Thursday 14 January 2010

Coursework task

For my piece of coursework, I have decided to do a mini complete movie. I would like to try to do it in the form of a stop-frame animation. I saw this done in the music video for Coldplay - Strawberry Swing and it looked very effective so I want to try and achieve something along the lines of that if possible. With this, I will also create a radio trailer and a poster for the film.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Digital Technologies Skills

Desktop Publishing
· Create text boxes
· Change size of text box
· Insert text
· Change size / colour of text
· Change order of objects
· Rotate objects
· Insert / create images

· Add / delete backgrounds
· Change opacity
· Layer images
· Edit images (e.g. colour, crop, select, filters, blur / sharpen etc)
· Create shapes
· Change order of layers
· Insert text
· Edit size / colour of text
· Enhance images
· Add effects to images
· Use a variety of tools available (e.g. magic wand, magnetic lasso, cookie cutter etc)
· Superimpose images
· Merge layers

Using a camcorder
· Load tape
· Zoom
· Record
· Play back

Using a camera
· Capture image
· In camera edit
· Load images on to a computer
· Zoom
· Macro lens

Other image editing software
· Upload images
· Edit images (e.g. colour, crop, select, filters, blur / sharpen etc)
· Insert text
· Edit size / colour of text
· Add effects to the images
· Enhance images

I think my skills need to be developed so that i can fully use a camcorder and other film software efficiently, although I think I am able to use photo editing software to a good enough standard. I will need to learn how to use the film editing software as the coursework will consist of a moving image that i need to create myself and I will need to know how to edit and change it. For the same reason, I think my skills for using the camcorder could also be improved.