Monday 1 February 2010

Weekly record of progress

In the first week, I have been trying to find some stop frame animations so that I can get some ideas for my own product. Originally, I wanted to have the surroundings drawn in like on the "Strawberry Swing" video, but this would take too much time so I have decided to just edit the film when I have made it so that it will look more cartoony and surreal. I found a particular stop frame animation on youtube that I thought was really effective and there were parts where the characters were floating in the air. I would like to be able to infiltrate this in my own moving image but in a slightly different way as it would fit the "super hero" story I want to create. I may use this effect to make it appear as though the character is flying throught the air. This idea of surrealism links in with the theory of Roland Barthes who believes that narrative codes are able to create an impression of reality. As the idea of super hero characters is surreal but will use real people rather than an actual cartoon in a sense this creates an impression of reality in a similar way.

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