Thursday 25 February 2010

Weekly record of progress

Digital technology

1. So far I have used a camcorder and film editing software (Adobe Premiere Elements) to do a small task which required me to produce a short clip of someone eating and drinking with a group of people. The task required us to film the person eating from different angles then edit the clip to cut it down to 20 seconds.

2. It has enabled me to be more creative as it wasn't just one long, continuous shot of someone eating, we had to try and make it look more interesting by changing the angles etc.

3. It was also the fist time I had ever used film editing software, so it is a skill I have slightly developed. The film didn't come out perfect but it enabled the group to try and play around with the footage we had so that we could learn how it worked.

Research and Planning

1. I have researched some secondary sources such as going on Google and finding film posters to try and see how they are constructed. I tried to look for posters that had surreal or superhero type storylines as this is the type of short film I will be creating. I analysed and compared two of the best ones that I found. I have also looked on youtube for some stop frame animations to see the different things I may be able to do in my own work (such as making people appear as though they are flying etc). Other than this, I have tried to look for images of film reviews to see what they look like, how they are laid out and what questions (if any) may be on their.

2. I chose the sources that I did because they will be the types of products I will be creating so I wanted to see what types of conventions there are for each. As I will be craeting a mini film, film poster and magazine review, I wanted to see what types of these already existed.

3. Researching these have helped me come up with creating a storyboard as one of the stop frame animations that I watched helped me to come up with a part of the story.

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